Juicy Tuesday 1: Carrot Wolfberry Juice

December 03, 2013


Hello world. I am starting a new column on my blog called “Juicy Tuesday” which I hope to share some of the fruit juices, tea and soy milk concoctions I have been drinking.

Why decided to do this? Just a few weeks back, I fell sick. I thought it would be okay within 1-2 days but it just got worse with running nose and sore throat. Plus the amount of festive food which I have been eating lately, it is taking a toll on my body. I feel a need to eat and drink healthier but most of the time, I am just too busy to really prepare proper meals.

So I decided to drink regular fruit juices which is so much easier and faster to prepare. “Juicy Tuesday” was created, to share what I have been drinking and what you can prepare at home.

I have bought many books on this topics just so that I can have more variety. I ain’t an nutritionist but I will also share some nutritional information on the ingredients I used. The ingredients are simple and the steps are idiot proof. Hope some of the recipes will interest you and motivate you to create some healthy drinks for yourself and your family.


Ever since I started blogging, I have been starring at the computer more often than usual and it is always for long hours. As a consequence, both my short-sighted and astigmatism have deteriorated.

Carrots are high in vitamin A, a nutrient essential for good vision. Eating carrots will provide you with the small amount of vitamin A needed for good vision, so I decided to create a glass of Carrot Wolberry Juice for myself to help soothe some tiredness in my eyes.

Moreover, wolfberries is one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits around. It is supposed to contain more beta-carotene, a type of antioxidant, than carrots. Antioxidants may have anti-aging and cancer-fighting effects.

Recipe for Carrot Wolfberry Juice (胡萝卜枸杞汁)

150g carrots
25g wolfberries
some honey to taste

1. Rinse wolfberries and soak in water for 5 minutes.
2. Rinse carrots and cut into pieces.
3. Place both ingredients into a juicer.
4. Add some honey to taste.

If you are new to juicing, this Carrot Wolberry Juice is a great juice to start with. Just close your eyes and sip away!

Goji Berries: Health Benefits
7 Things You Should Know about Chinese Wolfberries
Carrots – The World’s Healthiest Foods