Chewy Junior

December 09, 2007

那天到Bugis Junction逛街,看到Basement改变了很多,原有的Food Junction已搬到三楼,Basement添加了许多餐厅及小吃店。但是人潮还是一样汹涌。

经过Chewy Junior,看到它排长龙,因为好奇,所以在回家前也去买了一盒。

前阵子吹rotiboy的风,后来就吹doughnut的风,现在这Chewy Junior还真有创意,面包皮像rotiboy,里头像beard papa的cream puff,馅料像doughnut factory。(不管吹什么风,都发现年轻人总是踊跃支持。-_-)

Chewy Junior,顾名思义就是面团很chewy。它没有doughnut的圈圈洞,但加上了beard papa类似的cream,所以叫作doughnut puff,构思还蛮独特的。据说,Chewy Junior一天可收买约3000个doughnut puff。

“According to owner Kevin Ong, his secret recipe is actually a blend of recipes from Japan and Mexico. He spent two years experimenting and about 1,000 puffs saw the bottom of the bin before he got it right with the perfect doughnut puff.”



Chewy Junior
Bugis Junction Basement 1 (near Old Chang Kee)

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